Steph & Teo
MOK has been a gift. An opportunity for our kids to spend time in nature and explore and navigate relationships with other kids. When our kids come home at the end of the day they are happier, inspired and filled with stories to share. Through the years and since our kids have been little, Effie has been a positive, responsible, loving and influential young woman who has shared her passion and knowledge of the outdoors with our family. Through all the trips and adventures, we have always felt our kids have been challenged and safe.

Tamothy & Danny
Maine Outdoors Kids has been one of the best choices we have made for our son. Not only has he been outside playing and having fun, but he is learning as well. He often comes home talking about team building activities, and what he learned about the wilderness that day. Best of all, our son is growing as a person and also testing his own limits. He was afraid of ice skating before MOK, and now skates (joyfully!) whenever he gets the chance. Effie and the team are invested in the children and carry a bit of magic every child should experience.

Victoria & Alberto
Our kids love MOK. We love the adventures, the skill-building, the discussions, the exploration of feelings and their place in the world. They are becoming evolved humans and stewards of the planet.

Aaron & Katherine
Maine Outdoor Kids has been the highlight of our son’s school year. Effie is an absolute wonder, and she has created a program which aligns kids’ natural love and curiosity of nature and the outdoors, while bringing a holistic and mindful framework to each and every adventure. We have wanted our kids to learn from, and respect the outdoors the way we did when we were growing up, and we have worried that in this technologically obsessed day and age, that our kids might miss out. Effie and the team are proving that we needn’t worry - their future is in great hands.

Elizabeth & Katie
MOK has been amazing for our family! It has been such an anchor point for our kindergartener as a place where they can take a breath and enjoy some unstructured exploration in a small, caring group with expert, caring professionals. This has been huge for them after adjusting to lots of noise, kids, busyness and transitions during the school day. And, it has also been a consistent place where they get to test their limits, stretch their comfort zone, move, take (careful!) risks, and PLAY. We hear anecdotes about building forts, sledding, making mud kitchens, braiding sweetgrass, going on scavenger hunts and building fairy houses - they come home happily tired, dirty, and filled to the brim with stories about playing outside - some of the best parts I remember from childhood. We love MOK and are already excited for next year!
Maggie & Andrew
My Kindergartener's time with Effie and Lucia through MOK was fantastic. She had so much fun exploring the local forests/parks, ventured beyond her normal comfort zone (esp on those rainy days!) and felt safe and secure under Effie and Lucia's watch. Her Thursdays at Payson were truly the highlight of her week: a perfect balance of post-school restoration and nature-based adventuring. MOK increased her confidence and love of our local nature features tremendously!

Oliver, 7
My favorite thing to do is just run around because my brain was working so hard in school and I like to get my brain set so it won't have to learn or anything.

Penelope, 6
My favorite thing about Maine Outdoor Kids is playing with friends.

Magnus, 8
I really like the games here and how we get to have fun and be outside after being inside at school.

Taj, 11
MOK has given me the opportunity to have fun with other kids outside, to learn something new about surviving in the wilderness, to explore places in Maine, to learn how to interact with other kids and work together. I love how Effie was my babysitter when I was young and how she has transformed her skills to create Maine Outdoor Kids.